Tag: Wittgenstein

EMANUEL ȘTEFAN, Filosofie și paradox: sensul unei cărți pline de nonsensuri

Abstract. Wittgenstein’s Tractatus provides a methodical approach to examine the functioning and limits of language through a series of meaningful propositions that culminate in self-proclaimed nonsense. In this paper, the book’s paradox is treated by recognizing that its propositions, while ultimately nonsensical at the conclusion of the demonstration, are essential steps in a logical journey…

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CONSTANTIN STOENESCU, Este suficientă claritatea? Câteva considerații desprereceptarea propoziției 4.112 din Tractatus

Abstract. In sentence 4.112 of the Tractatus, Wittgenstein defines philosophy as an activity of logical clarification of thoughts. My aim in this study is a limited historical one, namely, to present the most significant reactions of Wittgenstein’s contemporary philosophers to this statement. I believe that the main attitudes were expressed by Russell in his lectures…

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GHEORGHE ŞTEFANOV, Wittgenstein despre sensul lumii în Tractatus 6.41 – O analiză critică

Abstract. The following text constitutes a critical analysis of 6.41, from Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. As I have understood it, the paragraph contains an argument (central toWittgenstein’s book) meant to support the conclusion at 6.421: “It is clear that ethicscannot be expressed. (…)”. In what follows I aim to do three things. First, I will talk aboutthe…

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