Category: Constantin Stoenescu

CONSTANTIN STOENESCU, Este suficientă claritatea? Câteva considerații desprereceptarea propoziției 4.112 din Tractatus

Abstract. In sentence 4.112 of the Tractatus, Wittgenstein defines philosophy as an activity of logical clarification of thoughts. My aim in this study is a limited historical one, namely, to present the most significant reactions of Wittgenstein’s contemporary philosophers to this statement. I believe that the main attitudes were expressed by Russell in his lectures…

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CONSTANTIN STOENESCU, Editor’s Note / Nota Editorului

The articles in Romanian gathered in this issue that were authored by professors Flonta and Ştefanov were delivered as talks at the “Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Prima sută de ani” conference, organized by the Romanian Academy’s “Constantin Rădulescu-Motru” Institute of Philosophy and Psychology, and which took place on November 26 th , 2021.The article in…

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